Club Contest, all are welcome to join (even without an amateur radio license!)


ARRL November SweepstakesObjective: For stations in the United States and Canada (including territories and possessions) to exchange QSO information with as many other US and Canadian stations as possible on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands.

2019 Operating Guide (PDF) - Including Full Rules (Rev 18 Nov 2019)

For Contest Club Updates Go Here

Reminder: the Candian province of Ontario now consists four RAC sections: Ontario North (ONN), Ontario South (ONS), Ontario East (ONE) and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Make sure your contest logging software and "country" (CTY) files have been updated so that those abbreviations are recognized and credited properly. View a map of the VE3 sections.

Operating Guideline: You must include your call sign in the exchange information you transmit to the other station. This is generally done between your precedence (A/B/Q/M/S/U) and your check (year of first license) as follows:

CQing Station: CQ Sweepstakes from W9JJ
Answering Station: W1AW
CQer: W1AW 123 A W9JJ 79 CT
Ans: 43 M W1AW 31 CT
CQer: Thanks, CQ Sweepstakes from W9JJ

As the answering station, it is not necessary to send the CQing station's call unless you feel there might be some confusion about what station you are responding to.

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