Date: September 4 2020

Time: 11 am CDT

Speaker: Dr. Vijay Shah, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg

Title: The Freshness of Information: Age of Information and V2X Networks

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Abstract: Exchanging up-to-date or fresh status updates/measurements is a critical requirement in many network settings. In vehicle-to-everything (V2X) networks, exchanging position, velocity, and control information in real-time is critical to safety and collision avoidance. In the internet of things (IoT) and cyber-physical systems, the out-of-date measurements may result in erroneous controllable decisions, which may be catastrophic. Traditional performance measures, such as delay or throughput are inadequate to measure the timeliness of the status updates, as they are packet-centric measures that fail to capture the timeliness of the information from an application perspective. This talk will present a new measure, called Age of Information (AoI), which is a destination-centric measure that appropriately quantifies the timeliness of information. Case studies (particularly, V2X networks) and experimental results for AoI and its extended versions will be presented. The talk will be concluded with direction of future research.

Bio: Dr. Vijay K Shah is a Research Assistant Professor in the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech, and is affiliated with Wireless@Virginia Tech. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Kentucky in 2019. His current research interests include 5G and Beyond, AoI, V2X Networks, Spectrum Sharing, and AI/ML for wireless networks.  

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