705 W. 10th St., Rolla, MO, 65409

https://career.mst.edu/careerfair/ #careerfair
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Tuesday's fair will be exclusively for those looking for an internship or co-op. If you're looking for a full-time job, come on Wednesday, Sept. 25.

Join us for the best-ever Career Fair right here at S&T! Take this opportunity to network with employers and find a position you'll love.

Dress in your professional best and bring plenty of copies of your resume to meet recruiters from hundreds of hiring companies looking to employ Miners. There are plenty of opportunities waiting for you, whether you're looking for an internship, co-op, or full-time job.

The fair can (and should) be accessed using the Career Fair Plus mobile app.  From there students will be able to filter by major and industry to plan their route through the fair with an interactive map that gives details of each company. Plan to bring your mobile device to the fair. 

Students should plan to adhere to the strict professional dress code for the Career Fair.  The Career Opportunities and Employer Relations office in Norwood Hall has resources, including the free Career Closet, to help students acquire professional dress so that the requirement doesn’t operate as a barrier to participation.  

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